These are from records available to us. There may be missing records. Please email us if you can advise additions or edits. email NBHS THOSE WHO SERVED / VIETNAM / KOREA / WW1 / WW2 BOYS / WW2 GIRLS / VOLUNTEER DEFENCE CORPS BACK TO HOME PAGE HOME PAGE
Ailwood FR VDC 1934 Alexander AF VDC 1934 Alexander RV VDC 1932 Allan FS VDC 1937 Anderton J VDC 1930 Appleby DH VDC 1933 Armstrong FE VDC 1907 Armstrong JWF VDC 1933 Arnott HA VDC 1940 Ayliffe D VDC 1932 Bailey AN VDC 1932 Bath NL VDC 1936 Bell JE VDC 1928 Bellamy NR VDC 1937 Bock GD VDC 1936 Boote BEG VDC 1935 Boyd CAJ VDC 1931 Bremmell WAB VDC 1931 Brightman FE VDC 1936 Brogan RJ VDC 1938 Brown HG VDC 1913 Bryan AJ VDC 1940 Bunt J VDC 1938 Burns DH VDC 1932 Burns SW VDC 1938 Burtland WH VDC 1936 Butterworth DR VDC 1934 Cain R VDC 1936 Campbell RD VDC 1918 Cane LFD VDC 1929 Carlin E VDC 1933 Carter DG VDC 1935 Chapman CG VDC 1930 Charlton P VDC 1909 Cleaver JA VDC 1936 Clode AE VDC 1929 Cockburn AJ VDC 1937 Connell N VDC 1937 Coulton AJ VDC 1930 Coulton R VDC 1931 Cousins JA VDC 1932 Davies AB VDC 1936
Davies GM VDC 1940 Davies WA VDC 1914 Devitt WJ VDC 1936 Dews AG VDC 1931 Dobie JA VDC 1919 Donne AJ VDC 1935 Duck FE VDC 1931 Edwards CJ VDC 1913 Edwards F VDC 1914 Edwards WT VDC 1936 England FH VDC 1930 Erskine AT VDC 1913 Favell WG VDC 1939 Ferguson GR VDC 1929 Ferris LH VDC 1937 Forbes DJ VDC 1937 Forbes GA VDC 1914 Forbes KC VDC 1917 Foster WC VDC 1939 Francis RC VDC 1932 Fraser LG VDC 1936 Frith GA VDC 1932 Frith TC VDC 1918 Gallagher AD VDC 1930 Gammidge AH VDC 1932 Gardiner VN VDC 1937 Garner J VDC 1917 George TA VDC 1927 Gilbert OWA VDC 1932 Glen GL VDC 1931 Goldman NN VDC 1935 Gollan R VDC 1931 Graham CL VDC 1933 Graham D VDC 1936 Graham MW VDC 1933 Gray AC VDC 1918 Gray AJ VDC 1914 Gunn GT VDC 1937 Guy R VDC 1932 Halpin AH VDC 1932 Hamilton CH VDC 1930 Hammerton GA VDC 1932
Hamonet EL VDC 1931 Hamonet EP VDC 1930 Harrison EM VDC 1933 Harrop CB VDC 1933 Hatherly M VDC 1935 Heaney G VDC 1932 Hendry CM VDC 1937 Hetherington WB VDC 1913 HILLS JC VDC 1932 Hind WG VDC 1936 Hofman AA VDC 1938 Homer GW VDC 1932 Howel RL VDC 1915 Hume H VDC 1930 Hunter B VDC 1936 Hutton DS VDC 1926 Ivin JH VDC 1913 James WE VDC 1932 Johnson RC VDC 1923 Johnston AC VDC 1934 Jones CS VDC 1914 Jones SB VDC 1936 Jurd DA VDC 1938 Kafer D VDC 1912 Kinder S VDC 1924 Leslie I VDC 1935 Mainprize RG VDC 1931 Mairet WW VDC 1932 Mann WH VDC 1916 Marchant DB VDC 1932 Marks AC VDC 1932 Marks MG VDC 1928 Mathieson DK VDC 1932 Mathieson WL VDC 1917 Matthews E VDC 1940 McGee AL VDC 1932 McIntosh J VDC 1932 McLennan JE VDC 1937 McLuckie MD VDC 1932 McShane NG VDC 1935 McVie AH VDC 1932 Michelmore JN VDC 1931
Moodie W VDC 1932 Moore GH VDC 1937 Morgan FW VDC 1936 Morgan H VDC 1925 Moroney AJ VDC 1932 Morris AH VDC 1935 Moyle GL VDC 1917 Murphy KB VDC 1937 Murray DD VDC 1927 Murray WR VDC 1938 Nettle FVH VDC 1936 Oakes AJW VDC 934 Openshaw ERH VDC 1933 Outten RG VDC 1932 Owens J VDC 1913 Palmer R VDC 1915 Parsons AJ VDC 1932 Parton MB VDC 1915 Peebles MD VDC 1937 Perkins JR VDC 1936 Plowman KAS VDC 1936 Polak ES VDC Powell TW VDC 1937 Price JW VDC 1935 Pryor FC VDC 1935 Rendle HE VDC 1934 Rich JF VDC 1931 Richards AJ VDC 1930 Richards HF VDC 1912 Roach AE VDC 1930 Robertson DM VDC 1936 Robin R de Q VDC 1935 Rowbottom EN VDC 1913 Russell GR VDC 1935 Sager FV VDC 1934 Sampson RWC VDC 1929 Seale HC VDC 1927 Sephton EWC VDC 1916 Shannon CV AIF 1925 Shepherd MJH VDC 1913 Short FL VDC 1935 Shortland G VDC 1929
Sinclair WS VDC Skelly WH VDC 1939 Smallman FC VDC 1932 Smith CW VDC 1930 Smith W VDC 1932 Soper WE VDC 1915 Stark GA VDC 1931 Stevens WH VDC 1938 Stewart FB VDC 1934 Stirling SM VDC 1917 Street LCJ VDC 1928 Sykes HS VDC 1930 Taylor KG VDC 1932 Teasdale RE VDC 1934 Telford JG VDC 1932 Telford RC VDC 1918 Thew GH VDC 1931 Thomson JR VDC 1936 Trevillien DW VDC 1938 Watson D VDC 1937 Watson NJ VDC 1938 Webb D VDC 1937 Wellham AC VDC 1937 Westbury C VDC 1928 Wheatley GAE VDC 1931 Whitford WF VDC 1930 Whyte JF VDC 1930 William W VDC 1929 Williams DG VDC 1939 Williams NR VDC 1930 Willis KA VDC 1931 Wilson HJ VDC 1936 Wilson P VDC 1935 Worsnop FE VDC 1935 Young AWR VDC 193
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