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History of the school site
![]() “Since the school has been in operation for little more than six years, its history up to the present date must necessarily be a brief one though it is unique in some respects … more “ History of the Schools taken from Newcastle Library Archives … more |
The Foundation Stone for the building was laid by Clarence Hannell, who was at the time the president of the local school board, on the Prince of Wales’ birthday, Saturday, 9 November 1878.[2] The ceremony was performed at midday by placing a glass jar beneath the stone. The jar contained four newspapers and a document inscribed with details of the ceremony and the names of relevant dignitaries such as the headmaster, M. Willis, Jr.
On 20 November 1879, Hannell officially opened the building as Newcastle Public School before a “very large and fashionable audience in the large schoolroom of the building”.[2] The man responsible for the design was the celebrated architect George Allen Mansfield, who was architect to the Council of Education from 1867 to 1879,[3] building a series of single storey suburban schools in that time, all in the Gothic Revival style.[4] The final cost of this construction was 10 000 pounds.[5] The original purpose for this newly built building was to house the Newcastle Public School, a school that was established in 1859 in nearby Brown Street. At this time the school consisted of boys’, girls’, infants’, and babies’ rooms and accommodated over eight hundred students.[5] In 1880, the school became a Superior Public School, reaching a peak of over 1000 students in 1884. The school on Bolton Street was enlarged soon after and other schools opened, causing a drop in enrolments. In 1906 and within the same confines, the Hill High School was established in the westernmost classroom. As the only high school in Newcastle at the time, it continued after Newcastle Public School was closed in 1911. The high school enrolled over 300 students by 1912. In 1929, Newcastle Girls’ High School began its separate existence at Hamilton and the Hill High School became Newcastle Boys’ High School. In 1934, they moved to a site in Waratah, and the site housed Newcastle Boys’ Junior High School until 1973 when it was closed. |
Written Histories of NHS, NGHS, NBHS 1906 – 1978
Written by Elaine Orton, NGHS, 5C 1955 – for the 1956 Centenary Edition of the Nobbys magazine … more
Written by OBA Committeeman John Birt in 1996 – Early History a different perspective … more
NHS / NGHS / NBHS and the demise of NBHS and NGHS
About 50 young Novocastrians catch the train daily to Maitland, to the only State high school in the Hunter.
The original school on the hill opened on Tuesday 5 June; Charles Rattray (“Caesar”) Smith is Headmaster, with a staff of Mr T Roberts and Miss Louisa Cole; school comprised primary students plus 28 older girls and boys; assembled at 9:00 in Room 2, one of three that formed the school); tables but no chairs, blackboards, chalk, maps . . .
12 October; Captain Clarence Smith Jeffries killed winning his Victoria Cross, in the Battle of Ypres, Belgium.
George Campbell Saxby is Headmaster; “His Majesty”; “The Grey Ghost”; former Captain and Dux of Sydney Boys’ High; deeply religious, with a stern moral code; disallowed dancing.
Charlie Goffet attends the “School on the Hill”.
Len McRae attends the “School on the Hill”.
Frank McMullen is Headmaster; “One of Nature’s Gentlemen”; a strong bias towards sport; “exercised a fairly soft discipline on the School”.
Robert F (Bob) Harvey is Headmaster; “a grim visage” and “a formidable reputation as a disciplinarian”; unsuccessfully tried to change the school colours; set up a school tuck-shop and banned Mr Tuttle’s horse-drawn pie cart from the school grounds; disliked Newcastle intensely – “you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear”; continually stressed the need for “school spirit”; insisted on the wearing of a school uniform.
Two portables destroyed by a cyclone; contract let for the construction of Newcastle Girls’ High School, at a cost of 34,120 pounds ($68,240).
On 4.2.30, with NHS overcrowded, girls moved into the all new NGHS at Hamilton; first Headmistress Agnes Brewster; replaced by influx of Cooks Hill Intermediate High students; NBHS created; The Great Depression; overcrowding in the “archaic architectural anachronism” (Newcastle Morning Herald); Alfred Freeman sets NBHS long jump record of 21 feet 9.5 inches (6.64 m), which still stands.
Silver Anniversary; 820 enrolled (including 120 overflowing to the Hunter Street Technical College).
Country deep in depression, NHS seriously overcrowded, and the promise of a new school at Waratah long overdue; NHS described as “an archaic, architectural anachronism”. Enrolment was 700 + 120 in the Annexe at NTC (with its own staff of 5).
Chas A (“Daddy”) Chrismas is Headmaster (see Note 1 below).
Move to Waratah commenced during “half-yearlies”; school spartan, noisy.
NBHS starts at Waratah; first Headmaster Charles (“Daddy”) Christmas; NHS becomes Newcastle Junior High School.
Norman R Mearns is Headmaster.
David Stewart, Rhodes Scholar, is dux.
World War II; 333 to RAAF, 142 to AIF and 45 to RAN; 51 died; 14 missing; 13 decorated.
F H Beard is Deputy Headmaster.
Charlie Goffet teaches French and coaches athletics.
William Pillans is Headmaster.
Allen Knott, Rhodes Scholar, is dux.
Frank Harold Beard is Headmaster; sex education, SWASSC, CAB, uniforms, “esprit de corps”.
Kevan Gosper sets NBHS records, which still stand, in 200 and 400 metres; the wearing of school uniforms now common.
1951, 1952
Don Barnes is the only dual Dux.
World War II Memorial Entrance unveiled by Lieutenant General Ivan Dougherty; F H Beard introduces sex education.
Jubilee Year; the Jubilee Celebration speech was delivered by ex-student and Sydney journalist Oliver Hogue; popular English teacher, Fred Smith, drowns in Newcastle Baths, aged 34.
Wyndham report released (28 October).
F H Beard retires.
L T (Tom) Richardson is Headmaster; sport, Easter church parade; parent-teacher night.
Change to HSC; no Dux.
1966, 1967
M Simpson is the only dual Captain.
First sixth form.
Students’ Representative Council set up.
> Announcement that selective schooling is to end <
L T (Tom) Richardson retires.
Charlie Goffet retires.
Vic Webber is Relieving Headmaster.
There is intense construction activity to make the new Waratah High School.
NGHS and Hunter High amalgamated.
First musical record produced by the School, “Red on Blue”, featuring jazz band, string quartet and brass band.
First Year 12 (formerly referred to as sixth form).
June; NBHS completes its metamorphosis (by Government decree) to WHS by the removal of the name “Newcastle Boys’ High School” from the front of the school, and its replacement with “Waratah High”; this sparks a “sit-in revolt” by Year 12 students.
The last students, who enrolled at NBHS, complete their schooling (with Waratah High School references).
David Wells, the last School Captain, who attended the school from 1973-1978 inclusive, said: “We as students were always being told that we had to start new standards, leaving the old behind and go forward with a deeper interest in Waratah High. They did not realise that we at NBHS wanted to keep up ‘our own standards’ and work towards our own traditions, something that the governing body did not seem to understand. To be able to finish off the NBHS spirit, just as we had started, was the feeling of the students, which was shown throughout the last years of the old school. Spirit does not end with the change in a school’s name; it lives on within all those students whom it touched.”
Ben and Margaret Timmins (school tuck shop) retire.
Note :
The following appeared in the Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners’ Advocate on Saturday 30 July 1932, under the heading ‘The City’s Disgrace’:
“A gentle reminder that the proposed Newcastle Boys’ High School building is still in the ‘blue print’ stage was given by the Headmaster (Mr C. H. Chrismas) yesterday, when he advised visiting footballers not to judge Newcastle by Hunter Street or by its railway approach. ‘Have a good look around,’ he said ‘but for heaven’s sake do not come near my school. It is the only place that is a disgrace to Newcastle.'”