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1988 – 2004 NGHS ESU Presidents Report 2023
President’s Report June 2024 AGM Newcastle Boys’ High School Old Boys’ Association Incorporated I hope that the past year has been an easy one for you all and you and your families are in good health. No doubt we are all affected in some way by increases in the cost of living but I trust none are suffering unduly from it. ANNUAL DINNER THANKS to COMMITTEE EMAIL CONTACTS GUEST SPEAKER PHOTOS & MAGAZINES CATALOGUING MEMORABILIA OBITUARIES FINANCIAL MEMBERSHIP THE FUTURE SCHOOL PRESENTATIONS The prize recipients were: NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL Roy Davis Prize for School Community Achievement $200 Lachlan Burns Lewis Keys Bursary $1000 – George Allman Keys Family Prize for Best Science Student Year 10 $200 Rodrigo Raya Dr Allen Knott Scholarship $1000 Annika Sommer Margaret Howard Bursary $1000 Alexander Walker Caesar Smith Prize for Creative Writing (Junior) $200 Poppy Fenning Caesar Smith Prize for Creative Writing (Senior) $200 Kite Stephen OBA President’s Prize for Legal Studies $200 Ruby Crane Colin Keys Dux of the School(2022) $1000 Lara White WARATAH CAMPUS OF CALLAGHAN COLLEGE F.H. Beard Prize for School Community Achievement $200 Zanetta Hanwright Brian Donegan Prize for Most Improved Mathematics Student Yr 7 $100 Oliver Diamond Brian Donegan Prize for Most Improved Mathematics Student Yr 8 $100 Charlotte Smith Brian Donegan Prize for Most Improved Mathematics Student Yr 9 $100 Noah Rounce Brian Donegan Prize for Most Improved Mathematics Student Yr 10 $100 Mee Lee Charles Goffet Prize for Creative Writing Yr 7 $50 Peter Geluk Charles Goffet Prize for Creative Writing Yr 8 $50 Zoe Andrean Charles Goffet Prize for Creative Writing Yr 9 $50 Anne Christina Charles Goffet Prize for Creative Writing Yr 10 $50 Baseera Khalil Keys Family Prize for Best Mathematics Student Yr 10 $100 Daniel Nikic Dr David Stewart Scholarship $500 Jemima Kellett NEWCASTLE EAST PUBLIC SCHOOL Dux of School $100 Sachin Kana PROFESSOR LEWIS KEYS BEQUESTS ARE WELCOMED CONDOLENCES MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION AGM Remis Velisque |
Historical Sub-Committee June 2024 AGM PHOTOS, OBITUARIES & NEWS The main activity of the sub-committee continues to be the collection of photos (group and class), obituaries, and news of members, for addition to the website ( This will continue into the foreseeable future. For anyone supplying photos by email, please digitise to at least 500kb to ensure a quality image (or just send the photos to Dick by mail, and they will be returned after digitisation).Dick’s job is made easier if names are given in row order, with any unnamed students clearly shown (please see the photos on the web site for examples).ANECDOTES We would again like to encourage the various yearly cohorts to write down their anecdotes, so that they can be included on the website (only those from the year of 1957 are there so far). These anecdotes will provide a human face for the school for future generations. REGIONAL LIBRARY Our activities at the Regional Library in the past year have resulted in: Transferring a full set of our group photos (staff, prefects, sporting teams, etc) to the Library in the format required for addition to the Hunter Photo Bank; this duplication of these photos offers a greater chance that they will be available into the long term future. These are now in the Hunter Photo Bank, and Greg has placed a link on our website. We have endeavoured to correct errors, and add names where possible; any suggestions for corrections, please send to Peter Scaife. Cataloguing of cassette tapes used to record interviews with ex-students (NHS, NGHS and NBHS) used by Audrey Armitage in writing the 75 Year book; this was undertaken by Judy Lindsay from the NGHS ESU.The remaining issues to be addressed with the Library/Museum are: Cataloguing items given to the Museum, which were not catalogued previously; a large number of items are catalogued and are available through our website (see “Caesar Smith Collection” under the History tab). Transferring to the Library the oral history DVDs and documents associated with the 7 NBHS and 3 NGHS ex-students; Judy has produced the summaries required for addition to the Museum/Library, but work is still required to digitise some of the information for our website.Details of all NBHS and NGHS participants in the World Wars, as well as in the Korean and Vietnam Wars, and the VDC, have been located by Bill, and one-page records of each added to our website (see Home page, under War Service, Those Who Served tab). The NBHS Old Boys Facebook site (with use continuing to increase) is maintained by Greg Kentish, and this has become a useful communication medium for the Old Boys and Senior Ladies, and is also useful to members of the public who have had relatives at the schools. Greg’s efforts in maintaining and enhancing the website and Facebook page are again gratefully acknowledged.We have a limited time to set up our legacy. If there are any photos, programs of school events, physical artefacts that you would like to contribute, now is the time. Peter Scaife (; 49 432 738 Bill Storer (; 49 42 3515 Dick Sanders (; 49 43 2358 |
Historical Annual Reports Historical Sub Committee report June 2013 AGM Historical Sub Committee report June 2014 AGM Historical Sub Committee report June 2015 AGM Historical Sub Committee report June 2016 AGM Historical Sub Committee report June 2017 AGM Historical Sub Committee report June 2018 AGM Historical Sub Committee report June 2019 AGM Historical Sub Committee report July 2020 AGM Historical Sub Committee Report June 2021 AGM |