NGHS Ex-Students UnionJune 1944
Miss Marjorie (‘Madge’) Henson, Headmistress 1943-1944, was made patron of the newly-formed Ex-Students’ Union –
a mark of their appreciation of her.
There is no mention of a prior ESU in Audrey Armitage’s book ‘Newcastle High School –
The First 75 Years’, so it is assumed that 1944 marked the formation of the first NGHS ESU.
Dorothy Payne was the NGHS Headmistress 1952-1953.
It was at her suggestion that the NGHS ESU was re-activated in 1952, when she was made Patron.
The ESU has functioned continuously since.
2024 ESU President’s Report
Demolition of various areas at NHS has commenced as part of the rebuild . Dr. Janene Rosser, Principal of NHS tried to provide some Drone Video Footage for us to share at the Reunion Luncheon in September but approval from the Premiers Office was not achieved in time. Janene will host a “ Morning Tea / Rebuild Viewing / Walk Around The School “ at NHS for our Ex-students Sunday September 14, 2025. We will advertise and email invitations for this event separately when we email invitations for the 2025 Reunion Luncheon to be held at South’s, Saturday September 13. Both are ticketed events.
Reunion Luncheon
238 Ex-students booked in for our Reunion Luncheon held on Saturday September 14 at South’s Leagues Club Merewether this year. Congratulations to Linda Goura and Leanne Graham for gathering such a large group of their 1974 school leavers . The Bar facilities and Tea / Coffee station till 5.00pm encouraged many ladies to stay on long after the close of the formal proceedings to catch up and renew friendships from their school days.
Guest Speaker, Lynne Malcolm
Our guest speaker, Lynne Malcolm, captivated the gathering with informative and inspiring stories from the forefront of Brain Science. Lynne asked “ Would you like to preserve your memories and life stories in a beautiful audio recording ?”
For more information visit – storiesweshare.com.
We were pleased to be able to keep our luncheon cost to $50.00 . Many thanks to South’s who gave us a Red Carpet Entry into the Winsor Terrace which added to the festive atmosphere.
Online Invitation and Ticketing
Carolyn Rigby’s online Invitation and Ticketing process ran smoothly and her new innovation – greeting at the door using christian names – provided a fast and efficient entry into the function room.
We received many glowing compliments – great atmosphere – lovely room set up – food well received – excellent guest speaker – to name a few.
2025 Our next Reunion Luncheon
We have booked South’s, Merewether , Saturday, September 13 for our 2025 NGHS Ex-students Reunion Luncheon
Two New Committee Members
In keeping with our Ex-students Committee Policy of two representatives from each leaving year we have welcomed two new members to our committee.
Leanne Graham – leaving year 1974 and Erica Rowley – leaving year 1977.
NGHS Information on NBHSOBA Website
Judy Lindsay proposed that some financial assistance be provided to the NBHSOBA website which supports the posting of NGHS information on a section of their site . At the October AGM NGHS Ex-students Committee will donate $300.00 to NBHSOBA towards the ongoing costs of the website.
As we had not acknowledged our Reunion Luncheon Guest Speakers on our section of the website I read through all the recorded minutes of the NGHS Ex-students Committee Meetings from 1953 until 2024 to compile the list of Guest Speakers. This has been forwarded to Greg Kentish, the Webmaster for NBHSOBA. Greg kindly uploads our information to the website.
NHS Year 12 Graduation Ceremony
Joy Conner represented the NGHS Ex-students at the NHS Year 12 Graduation Ceremony in September and presented our awards to the 2024 School Captains and Outstanding Academic Achiever. The committee decided to again present a boxed medal engraved with the NGHS badge and a $100.00 cheque to each recipient.
The Executive Committee are now authorised for Internet Banking on the Greater Bank Account. Two signatures are required for each transaction.
We have enjoyed another successful year of friendships preserving the memories of our school days at NGHS.
Thank you for being part of our NGHS Ex-students Committee and supporting Carolyn, Joy, Robyn and myself.
I wish you all a healthy and happy family Christmas.
Colleen Potts OAM
President – NGHS Ex-students Union
Housed at Newcastle High School
Inaugural Dinner for Reformed ESU 1953 more |