Starting in 1966 the school boys produced a school newspaper called OTIS (which stood for “On The InSide”) OTIS Vol1 No1
SCRAPBOOK – 1951 to 1958 An extensive collection of Newspaper articles and photos NBHS Scrapbook 1950s
pp1-20 /pp 21-40 / pp 41-60 / pp 61-80 / pp 82-100 / pp 101-120 / pp 121-138 / pp 139-157
D'ye ken the school on the hill so high,
Bravely facing the winds and the sky,
While the waves sing their song to the beaches high,
As the bell goes for school in the morning. Chorus:
Yes, when we are gone in the years far ahead,
When the last game's played and the last lesson said,
The name of the school will awaken from the dead
The memories of many a morning.
Serving straight in a hard-fought match
Sprinting for the tape or a puzzling catch.
The 'blues' from the limit man to the scratch
Will still do their best night and morning. Chorus
Remis Velisque's the motto for all
And our hearts once again will still hear its call,
When the muscles are stiff that once toed the ball,
Or climbed up the hill in the morning. Chorus