"To us the School holds out the torch,
Of learning keen and clear.
She lights the golden way that leads
To where achievement crowns the deeds
Of industry sincere.
In knowledge she would make us strong;
To her we dedicate our song.
On fields of sport she trains us well
To play with might and main,
To set the team above renown,
To win ourselves a better crown -
True fellowship to gain.
In service she would make us strong;
To her we dedicate our song.
With courtesy and kindliness
She paves the path we tread;
And in our hearts her light will shine.
With understanding's gave divine,
When days of youth have fled.
In wisdom she would make us strong;
To her we dedicate our song."
from Gilbert & Sullivan YouTube
“When Britain Really Ruled the Waves” from Iolanthe by G&S |