For your interest, this quote from the first Novocastrian, published in 1912, referring to the year 1909:
"This year also witnessed the formation of an ex-pupils’ union, whose objects were to keep up the connection of the pupils with the school after leaving it, to maintain the friendships they had formed while at school, as well as to promote the mutual improvement of the members. During the Christmas Holidays every year a dinner is held, at which as many as 100 ex-pupils have sat down, with the Head Master as President in the chair, supported by one of the local school inspectors, and some members of the staff. A pleasant evening is spent with songs, toasts, recitations and general conversation."
NHS OBU RULES June 1917 click here
NBHS OBU FORMATION 1954 click here
NGHS ESU & NBHS OBU 1956 click here